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Video: How DASH supports the Dupont flight department

Brad Townsend, Aircraft Asset Manager for the mid-atlantic region of the Dupont flight department, needs instant data and a big-picture view to ensure that he’s fully tuned into the five airplanes under his watch. That’s why Gogo DASH has made a dramatic difference in how Brad manages his aircraft. 

“Gogo DASH is utility. It’s instantaneous. It’s full of comprehensive information that I can see at a glance while I’m managing other things,” Brad explains. Gogo DASH enables Brad to provide immediate answers and assistance with features like real-time flight paths, data bit counts and more. “Gogo DASH is necessary to understand what the system is doing on the airplane,” Brad continues. “I get a call that something’s not working, I have to have answers and I have to have answers now. That’s what Gogo DASH does for me.”

But Brad doesn’t just use DASH to solve problems - it prevents them as well. “I can actually give preventative cost forecasts to my principals,” Brad explains, while he’s managing and monitoring flights in real time. What does that mean for the Dupont flight department? In Brad’s words, “Business flies at the speed of DASH.”

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