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How pilots are using inflight Wi-Fi to fly safer and smarter

Pilots trust inflight connectivity to aviate, navigate, and communicate

Inflight connectivity (IFC) does so much more than let passengers read and respond to emails, post to social media, or watch movies; it also brings internet to the cockpit to help pilots fly safer and smarter.
In our new guide to connectivity for pilots learn how IFC simplifies and streamlines communication tools and pilot apps so pilots have the latest data possible and can communicate changes in an instant. Many pilots we work with appreciate the redundancy of data and have made connecting to the internet a part of their routine when flying.
Marc Dulude, Citation Jet Pilots Association, shared with us that his airplane would be “unflyable” without inflight connectivity and while he’s had his share of extraordinary situations that benefitted from inflight Wi-Fi, he thinks about the everyday situations that are made better with connectivity. Marc explained how Wi-Fi reduces last-minute corrections to his flight paths as he knows which runways are in use or closed and he doesn’t have to scramble to put data into his FMS.
For many pilots, the decision to add connectivity has helped not just their own efficiency in the cockpit but has enabled them to help others who’ve found themselves without a signal or way to call for help.
One story of how inflight connectivity saved the day comes from Tony Fizer, Executive Vice President/Chief Pilot, Prime Insurance Company, where he tells us about a time he was flying near Rifle, CO, and a small plane below him was getting lost in the mountains and couldn’t contact Air Traffic Control. Tony was able to get out his iPad, connect to the Wi-Fi, and communicate with the pilot on how to navigate the area safely and direct him away from terrain. Without Tony’s reliable inflight Wi-Fi, this pilot would have been alone and stuck in a dangerous situation.
Marc also highlighted the benefits IFC provides in regard to staying connected to his personal world and not just Air Traffic Control. He shared a story about his family driving to the airport he had planned to fly into but after he got a runway condition report, he re-routed his flight and was able to alert his family from the air to meet him at his new destination. Marc often cites the freedom that comes with using inflight connectivity as a pilot.


As pilots, we’re always looking down the road, checking weather, communicating with the office, our scheduler, maintenance – you name it. The instant ability to communicate is just a game-changer. 

Gary Stone

Assistant Chief Pilot, Meredith Corporation

Interested in learning more about how pilots are using IFC in the cockpit to fly safer? Explore the other stories and get access to additional resources in our Aviate, Navigate, Communicate guide to inflight Wi-Fi for pilots.

Explore inflight Wi-Fi for pilots