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The future of connectivity for business aviation

Recap of two educational seminars at NBAA 2024

satellite constellation above earth with light flare

For NBAA, Gogo’s goal was to bring awareness and education to the business aviation industry about new and emerging technologies. And we delivered. We led a discussion on Low-Earth-Orbit (LEO) satellite internet and how business aviation can leverage this powerful technology.  Also, we were invited to participate in the Future of Connectivity panel hosted by Duncan Aviation.

Standing room only for the future of connectivity panel at NBAA

nbaa the future of connectivity for business aviation panel

The future of connectivity panel featured the industry’s leading companies, including Gogo Business Aviation, Viasat, Satcom Direct, Honeywell, and EJM, with Duncan Aviation’s Justin Vena as moderator.

Gogo was represented by Dave Salvador, aftermarket channel vice president. Dave answered various questions regarding Gogo's extensive IFEC product line for business aviation to include the upcoming air-to-ground (ATG) licensed network transition from EVDO to LTE cellular technology, the 5G ATG entry into service, and Low-Earth-Orbit (LEO) satellite internet. 

Dave stressed the need for operators to evaluate LEO satellite options, specifically whether the network is designed for the every-day consumer or specific, complex use cases like business aviation. When asked about Gogo Galileo’s network, Dave said, “The Eutelsat OneWeb network was designed to be enterprise grade with mobility in mind.”

Gogo’s luncheon at NBAA - Global LEO satellite connectivity for business aviation

gogo presentation at nbaa on global leo satellite connectivity

The Gogo and AIN luncheon was a success with a full house of attendees from operators to dealers.  Mark Sander, SVP of sales at Gogo, opened with a presentation about LEO satellite connectivity – what it is, how it operates and why Gogo Galileo is a game-changer for business aviation. Following his overview, he was joined by a panel of experts for an open discussion about the technology, the satellite constellation, and the progress Gogo and Eutelsat OneWeb are making as we near commercial launch of the service. Panelists included: Jason Sperry, head of business aviation at Eutelsat OneWeb, Jeremy Tyler, vice president, airborne product development at Gogo, and Matt Martin, product director for Gogo Galileo.  


Many questions were asked about what sets Gogo Galileo apart from other connectivity solutions. Jeremy shared, “Gogo Galileo operates on an enterprise-grade network with hardware designed by aviation professionals. We develop equipment specifically for this industry. The requirements are much higher for aviation than they are for residential networks and equipment.” 

Matt added, “What we do behind the scenes in development and testing is insurance that what we’re providing is a reliable product for business aviation that will work long-term and provide the desired experience.”

Learn more about LEO satellite internet for business aviation