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Contact sales

To connect your business aircraft, use the map below to find your regional sales representative.

Call us: +1 888.328.0200 / Email us: Request a call back

Simply click on a state to reveal regional sales advisor contact information.

Mexico & The Caribbean

Miguel Gallardo

Regional Sales Manager

Telephone: +1.321.306.4812

Email: mgallardo@satcomdirect.com

Central & South America

Ewerton Libanio

Regional Director

Telephone: +55.12.988440517

Email: elibanio@satcomdirect.com


Matt McCassey

Regional Sales Manager

Telephone: +1.413.224.8943

Email: mmccassey@gogoair.com

Eastern Canada: NB, NL, NS, ON, QC

Scott Arnold

Regional Sales Manager

Telephone: +1.321.635.0756

Email: sarnold@satcomdirect.com

Western Canada: AB, BC, MB, NT, NU, SK, YT


Anna Montanuy

Regional Director

Mobile: +41.787.731.707

Email: amontanuy@satcomdirect.com

Middle East: IL

Southern Europe: AL, AD, BA, CY, ES, GI, GR, HR, IT, ME, MK, MT, PT, RS, XK

Mark Davey

Inside Sales Executive

Mobile: +44.7852.697.134

Email: mdavey@satcomdirect.com

UK & Islands: IE, IM, UK

Victor Andrés

Business Development Manager

Mobile: +41.79.786.7363

Email: vandres@satcomdirect.com

Central & Northern Europe: AT, BE, CH, DE, DK, FI, FR, LU, NL, NO, SE


Dmitry Reshetnyakov

Business Development Director

Mobile: +971.50.578.4175

Email: dreshetnyakov@satcomdirect.com

Africa: CI, ZM

Central Asia: KZ, KG, PK, TJ, TM, UZ

Eastern Europe: BG, CZ, EE, HU, LV, LT, PL, RO, SK, BY, MD, RU, UA

Middle East: IR, IQ, LB, OM

Anwaz Ahmed

Regional Sales Manager

Mobile: +971.56.984.9440

Email: aahmed@satcomdirect.com

Africa: BF, BJ, BW, CM, DZ, EG, GA, LY, ML, NA, RW, SN, TD, TN, TZ

Middle East: AF, TR

William Jones

Regional Sales Manager

Mobile: +971.54.792.4573

Email: wjones@satcomdirect.com

Africa: BI, CD, CF, CG, DJ, EH, ER, ET, GH, GM, GN, GQ, GW, KE, LR, LS, MA, MG, MR, MW, MZ, NE, NG, SD, SL, SO, TG, UG, ZA, ZW

Middle East: JO, SA, SY, YE

Brian Roos

New Business Development Director

Mobile: +971.50.750.2186

Email: broos@satcomdirect.com


Kaviraj Nadarajah

Regional Sales Manager

Telephone: +1.321.463.7603

Mobile: +

Email: knadarajah@satcomdirect.com

Northern & Southeast Asia: BD, BT, HK, ID, IN, KH, LA, MM, MN, MY, NP, SG, TH, TW

Danny Taweel

Business Development Manager

Telephone: +1.321.381.4664

Mobile: +61.488.771.149

Email: dtaweel@satcomdirect.com

Oceania: AU, FM, FJ, KI, MH, NR, NZ, PG, PW, SB, TO, TV, WS, VU

Southeast Asia: PH, VN

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U.S. Sales
Sales Line: +1 303.301.3271
Toll-Free: +1 888.328.0200
Fax: +1 303.926.8970

Email: basales@gogoair.com