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The executive's guide to inflight connectivity

You have to stay ahead of the game, even when in the air. Download the Executive's Guide to Inflight Connectivity for an in-depth look at inflight Wi-Fi aboard your corporate aircraft and how your peers are using the latest technology to stay connected and get ahead. In addition to understanding the fundamentals of IFC, this guide will also help you:

  • Learn how to turn your aircraft into your office in the sky. Inflight Wi-Fi is more important than ever in today’s remote-but-connected world to stream video calls, access cloud-based apps, and keep up with what’s happening on the ground.
  • Understand why organizations are choosing cost-effective and reliable air-to-ground connectivity over satellite connections. Learn the difference between ATG and GEO satellite connections and why this is an important consideration when selecting your connectivity technology.
  • Understand security standards and how your data is protected between send and receive.

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