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FAQs: Is Wi-Fi in the sky right for my plane?

7 questions to ask before adding Wi-Fi to your light jet

1. Do I really need Wi-Fi on my aircraft?

Many say yes, and we agree. Inflight Wi-Fi is no longer a luxury. In today’s ever-connected world, travelers expect it, even on lighter aircraft and during shorter flights. By adding this coveted service to your aircraft, you and your passengers can stay seamlessly connected to work and life while in flight. Just think, you can confirm your car rental, contact your hotel for an early check-in, remind your son about his dentist appointment, and let everyone know your true ETA.

Onboard internet allows you to stay accountable and responsible, despite being 35,000 feet in the air.

2. Who really benefits from inflight Wi-Fi?

Everyone wins with Wi-Fi in the sky – passengers, pilots and operators alike – because Wi-Fi in the sky means so much more than checking email.

Passengers can: browse the Internet, download documents, access corporate VPN, text and make calls from their own smartphones—so they’re never out of touch with work or family. Those flying the airplane can also take advantage of applications like ForeFlight, GarminPilot, FltPlan Go, and more. And, on-ground operators can have continued access to those on the plane, being able to accommodate any necessary changes before, rather than upon, arrival. It’s what we like to call a win-win-win.

3. What does inflight Wi-Fi actually let me do? Can I text and talk?

With Wi-Fi access, your connected life on the ground is given wings – meaning your work, life and play can continue without disruption, even in the air.

Think of all you can do: empty your email inbox, download and send important documents, and use text messaging so you never miss a deadline. Call your son from your smartphone to wish him luck on his math test. Share flight plans with on-ground operators for improved timing, fueling, scheduling, and planning. Plus, use real-time data to unlock the full potential of your favorite cockpit applications so you have enhanced situational awareness.

Want a little down time? With a fully integrated inflight entertainment and information service, you can access flight tracking, news clips, and destination weather or view the latest in Hollywood movies, TV episodes, and magazines.

Light jet Wi-Fi

4. Which system is right for my aircraft?

Designed with light jets and turboprops in mind, Gogo AVANCE L3 is our most flexible, affordable and lightweight inflight connectivity and entertainment solution. This system delivers a reliable, productive broadband experience, as well as offers different configurations and service flexibility to accommodate varying needs and budgets. And, it operates on the proven Gogo Biz network that delivers nationwide coverage over the continental U.S., plus portions of Alaska and Canada.

Here are the AVANCE L3 system configuration and service options:

Devices (maximum)5725
Internet capabilitiesOptimized for light internet use1Optimized for full internet use (no streaming)2Optimized for full internet use (no streaming)2
EmailFully supported, with file attachments
Gogo Vision - Information ServicesMoving maps, weather information, Bloomberg news clips, file sharing, RSS feeds, and customizable landing page (included at no add’l charge)
Gogo Vision - EntertainmentLicensed movies, TV, and magazine library (separate subscription required)
Gogo Text & TalkUse your own phone to make calls and text (separate subscription required for monthly/annual plans)
Available service plans
  • Hourly
  • Monthly
  • Annual
  • Monthly
  • Annual
  • Monthly
  • Annual

1 Light internet means web browsing limited to sites with minimal bandwidth requirements, such as sites with fewer graphics and without embedded videos.
2 If streaming is required, consider the Gogo AVANCE L5 system.

5. How does the installation process work? I can’t afford the downtime.

For little or no added downtime, we recommend scheduling your Wi-Fi system installation during your regular maintenance service. Or, combine your Wi-Fi installation with your ADS-B equipment upgrade if you’re expecting one. Either way, we want this process to be stress-free for you. We encourage you to work with your own Gogo-authorized dealer. We’ll be happy to help you find the best fit.

6. How much is it really going to cost me?

No matter what your budget, inflight Wi-Fi can be yours. Costs you’ll need to consider are installation, equipment price, and hourly service rates or data plans:

  • Installation costs: These can vary by aircraft, which inflight Wi-Fi system you choose, and the dealer you select. We’ll be happy to connect you with an authorized dealer that best fits your budget, needs, and timing.
  • Equipment packages: Costs can vary depending on your configuration option, but range between $39,000 - $68,000 MSRP. Connect with a Gogo sales representative or Gogo-authorized dealer for more information.
  • Hourly service rates or data plan costs: With a $99 per hour rate, you only pay when connected. So, if you don’t connect, you don’t pay. With data plans, you have the option to choose a monthly subscription or annual bucket plan depending on what suits your needs and budget. We recommend installing an annunciator in the cockpit so that you can control whether or not you connect during a flight— making it easy to keep costs within your budget.

7. How do I get going?

Ready to thrill your passengers with inflight Wi-Fi? We’re here to help. Even if you just want more information, we’d love to hear from you. Connect with a Gogo inflight connectivity consultant today.

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