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Is inflight Wi-Fi worth it?

Inflight internet is quickly becoming a customer and competitive necessity that adds long-term value to an aircraft

Inflight internet is shifting from an amenity to a must-have for business travelers and pilots alike. Staying connected in the air means a more productive passenger experience, enhanced cockpit capabilities, and reinforced safety – all of which make Wi-Fi enabled planes more valuable to prospective customers and buyers.

But, between the up-front costs of installation and ongoing service fees, connectivity represents a significant investment for any aircraft operator or aviation organization. Ultimately, it comes down to a question of ROI. 

To get to the bottom of the “Is inflight Wi-Fi worth it?” question, we interviewed key stakeholders and aviation professionals. This year we revisited the question and gathered data from industry surveys and special reports. Then, we visualized the results in this infographic: you'll see the cost-benefit from different angles, including aircraft size, customer benefits, pilot and passenger needs, network capabilities, and organizational goals.

After all, one of the key reasons people use business aircrafts is so they can be efficient with their time: because that improves their quality of life. Your inflight experience improves instantly. Your bottom line improves for years on end.

more info Want to maximize the ROI on your aircraft?

Interested in the best of the best inflight Wi-Fi solution? We're currently offering exceptional promotions to provide you with the right-fit inflight Wi-Fi for you and your aircraft!

As always, feel free to call one of our Regional Sales Representatives to learn more.

Is inflight worth it infographic

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