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Gogo 5G is coming

Here's how you get ready for it

Want to fly with the fastest inflight connectivity network in business aviation? Then you'll want to fly with Gogo 5G. Find the right path to adding 5G connectivity to your aircraft with the three options in the infographic below and be the first to get it when it launches. Or, if you'd like to discuss what 5G performance could mean for your inflight Wi-Fi, please contact one of our connectivity consultants

Path to Gogo 5G infographic

Check out all the great promotions we have going on for Gogo 5G and save up to $55k when upgrading to AVANCE LX5. Follow along as we bring 5G connectivity to the skies by visiting our milestones timeline page and signing up for emails to be the first to know when we achieve key milestones.

Learn more about Gogo 5G