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Monthly USB fee FAQ

Q: What is changing for Gogo Vision users?

A: Gogo Cloudport is now provided to Vision customers FREE of charge and is now the standard method to updating Gogo Vision content each month – right in your hangar. Starting December 1st, 2020, the monthly USB content sticks will become a paid service at $125/month instead of being included as part of the standard Gogo Vision subscription packages.
You can request your Gogo Cloudport here.


Q: How will this impact my monthly invoice?

A: There will be no change to your monthly invoice or service charges. You will simply no longer receive the monthly USB content stick after December 1st, 2020, unless you opt-in and agree to pay the $125/month fee.

Q: Can I get the USBs in addition to the Cloudport?

A: Yes, if you would like to still receive the USBs as a supplemental or redundant option, you can opt-in to the $125/month service.
You can request the monthly USB subscription here.

Q: What if I do not receive my Cloudport before December 1st when the USB fee takes effect?

A: Please order your Cloudport as soon as possible, but not later than November 20, 2020 in order to ensure you receive it and install it before December 1st.

Q: What if I don't want a Cloudport?

A: If you qualify for a Cloudport and would prefer to continue utilizing the monthly USB content sticks, you will still need to opt-in to the USB service and will be charged $125/month.

Q: What if I don't qualify for Cloudport?

A: If we determine that you do not qualify for Cloudport and are unable to utilize the features, we will provide you the monthly USB at no charge.

You may check your eligibility here.

Q: What if I need a single content USB?

A: You can purchase a single USB stick for a one-time fee of $125.

Q: What if I am away from my hangar for an extended period of time, how can I update my IFE content?

A: Just like if you’re at your Cloudport hangar, your Gogo IFE content will also update at any of our Gogo Cloud FBO locations.